Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hurricane Season

 Hurricane Season
Vernal & Sere Theatre
Theatre Row
August 30, 2024 

Photo courtesy of Vernal & Sere Theatre

“Something must break when the hurricane blows,” is the closing line of Sawyer Estes’ play Hurricane Season.  This realization takes place after the characters return from a psychological and visceral journey, driven by unfulfilled desire. The action is continually intriguing, generating a strong shift in all their perspectives.  Under the direction of Mr. Estes, this cast of four is fully committed.  Their performances are physically demanding and emotionally engaging.  Erin O’Connor’s movement direction magnifies numerous moments in the play, keeping the action alive throughout the intermission and after the lights come up at the conclusion of the piece.

It is morning.  Anne (played by Melissa Rainey) is reading a newspaper, while her husband, Tom (played by Sam R. Ross) is on his laptop, waiting for the stock market to open.  Anne is overwrought by the violence going on around the world.  Closer to home is the impending hurricane season.  Tom is fully focused on his investments.  Anne longs for Tom’s attention, yet he is glued to his laptop.  There is a flash of a sexualized female figure.  Is Tom watching porn?  Anne looks over at the laptop.  A young man enters the picture.  Tom’s attention shifts to him, while Anne is mesmerized by the woman.  They are both swept away. 

Erin Boswell & Melissa Rainey
Photo courtesy of Vernal & Sere Theatre

Anne travels to Amsterdam to meet the woman from the porn video.  Alex (played by Erin Boswell) and Anne are very much alike.  Mirror images, except for a scar that Alex has across her belly.  This is where she carries her trauma.  Anne yearns for that experience.

Tom travels to Los Angeles to meet Trevor (played by Pascal Portney), the young man from the porn video.  Trevor seeks a father figure, since he never knew his own.  Tom fits the profile perfectly, yet to be lovers is overwhelmingly alluring. 

Sam R. Ross & Pascal Portney
Photo courtesy of Vernal & Sere Theatre

Anne and Tom dive deeply into discovering the people they could have been, while Alex and Trevor search for who they long to be.  These four actors viscerally connect.  Their characters courageously peel back layers of promise and disappointment.  They each uncover their true need hidden beneath their superficial desires.  The writing is rich with conflict, giving these incredible actors strong intentions and powerful means to overcome every obstacle they find in their path.  They never stop moving forward, yet the outcome is nothing they ever anticipated.

This is a complex work, brilliantly conceived and masterfully staged.  It is a unique piece of theatre that needs to be experienced to gain its fullest impact.  The design team of this Vernal & Sere Theatre production are phenomenal collaborators, unifying sound, projection, lighting, and scenic elements to create a unique and encompassing atmosphere. 

Hurricane Season is playing at Theatre Row through September 7. 

Domenick Danza