Monday, September 30, 2019

Henry IV
Folger Theatre
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington DC
September 28, 2019

Photo courtesy of Folger Theatre
The Folger Theatre production of Henry IV (Part 1) is packed with merriment, celebration, and honor.  In one of the final scenes the character of Falstaff humorously tells us that “the better part of valor is discretion,” yet the action of the play illustrates a more serious and noble theme.  Director Rosa Hoshi keeps the lighthearted scenes genuine, while sustaining the danger and risk of the rebels seeking the crown.  The performance culminates in scenes of battle that are choreographed with precision and build quickly from one moment to the next.

Avery Whitted & Peter Cook
Photo courtesy of Folger Theatre
King Henry IV (payed by Peter Crook) is in dispute with his once ally Hotspur (played by Tyler Fauntleroy), who decides to rally Worchester (played by Naomi Jacobson) and Northumberland (played by U. Jonathan Toppo) to rebellion.  They rise up against the King’s army.  The King summons his son, Prince Hal (played by Avery Whitted) to return to duty.  Hal has spent his youth carousing in taverns and befriending Falstaff (played by Edward Gero), who mischievously influences his behavior.  Their bond is strong and gives Hal the excuse to continually chose irresponsibly.  When summoned by his father, Hal needs face his fate and make a life altering decision.

Edward Gero & Avery Whitted
Photo courtesy of Folger Theatre
The ensemble cast plays numerous roles and keeps the action moving at a brisk pace.  Peter Crook is commanding as King Henry IV.  Tyler Fauntleroy’s Hotspur is passionately driven.  He lights a fire under the characters who he leads into rebellion and never loses his conviction.  Avery Whitted portrays Prince Hal with youthful energy and a strong sense of integrity.  His character’s honor and morality are never compromised.  Edward Gero is warm and genuine as Falstaff.  He does not take anything too far over the top, so we can see why Prince Hal follows and admires him.  Their relationship is truthful and sincere.

Henry IV (Part I) is playing at Folger Theatre in Washington DC through October 13.  It is a powerful and bold production.  If you see a performance at Folger’s Theatre, be sure to sign up for the Folger Library tour.  It is free and truly remarkable.   

Domenick Danza

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