Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Transport Group
Abrons Arts Center
February 16, 2019

Photo courtesy of The Transport Group
The Transport Group is producing a new version of The Unsinkable Molly Brown with new book and lyrics by Dick Scanlon.  It tells a more truthful version of the life of the title character, focusing on her political and philanthropic causes.  Meredith Wilson's music is beautifully adapted by Michael Rafter.  Kathleen Marshall both directs and choreographs, keeping the action moving and the stage pictures vibrant.

Margaret “call me Molly” Tobin (played by Beth Malone) is headed to her dream life in Denver, but instead winds up in Leadville, a small silver mining town in Colorado.  She befriends Julia (played by Whitney Bashor), who lost her husband to a mining accident and is expecting a baby.  Molly decides to stay in Leadville until spring and help Julia with the baby.  She is courted by J.J. Brown (played by David Aron Damane), who gives her everything she longs for: a red silk dress, cups that match the saucers, books to read, and a brass bed.  They marry and have two children.  When the United States switches to the gold standard, the silver mine becomes worthless.  Molly encourages her husband to mine for gold.  He is successful, and they build a mansion in Denver.  Molly is never fully accepted into Denver Society, so she turn her attention to helping the less fortunate.  When the miners decide to form a union, Molly fights with them against her husband, causing a rift in her marriage.  Molly flees to Europe when her marriage crumbles.  She returns upon hearing of her husband’s illness, and survives the sinking of the Titanic.

In Rehearsal: Alex Gibson, Paolo Montalban, Beth Malone,
 Omar Lopez-Cepero, & Kevin Quillon
Photo courtesy of The Transport Grouop
Beth Malone is a powerhouse as Molly Brown.  You cannot take your eyes off her.  Her energy is high, her heart is big, and her singing voice is remarkable.  David Aron Damane balances her perfectly as J.J. Brown.  He has a commanding presence, a gentle demeanor, and a rich singing voice.  Together they are magic, creating a truthful, loving relationship that carries the story forward. 

The cast and ensemble are phenomenal with strong performances from Whitney Bashan, Alex Gibson, Omar Lopez-Cepero, and Paola Montalban.  The Unsinkable Molly Brown is playing at the Abrons Arts Center on the Lower East Side through March 22.

Domenick Danza

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