Sunday, November 21, 2021


National Queen Theater
14th Street Y
November 19, 2021 

Photo courtesy of National Queen Theater

Javier Rivera DeBruin’s play Luciérnagas is a spiritual journey toward forgiveness and redemption.  Directed by Carlos Armesto, this National Queer Theater production is sensitive and touching.  The characters face realistic obstacles as they each strive to let go of the hurt they inherited.  The performances are all truthful and engaging.

Alexandra Taylor, Yasha Lelonek, & Gabriela Garcia
Photo courtesy of National Queer Theater

When Lupe (played by Teresa Yenque) dies, she leaves her cabin in the woods to her granddaughter, Mal (played by Alexandra Taylor).  Mal visits the cabin for a weekend to empty it and sell it, only to find Xara (played by Yasha Lelonek), a child-like spirit, dwelling within the cabin.  Mal’s estranged mother, Silvia (played by Gabriela Garcia), arrives with plans of taking up residence in the cabin.  As mother and daughter face their memories and hurt, Lupe’s ghost appears.  She cannot rest until the truth is revealed.  When the pain between these three generations of women is forgiven, Xara is set free.   

Alexander Taylor is rigid and determined as Mal, while Gabriela Garcia is open and easy as Sylvia.  This juxtaposition creates an immediate conflict between these two characters, which drives the action forward.  As their backstory comes to light, their portrayals authentically play out.  Both characters grow through the course of the action, and these two actors beautifully rise to the challenge.  Yasha Lelonek plays Xara as an innocent and mischievous sprit.  A combination of Puck and Ariel.  It is an engaging and intriguing portrayal.  Tesesa Yenque is grounded as Lupe.  She is the anchor to the family, yet has caused her share of the hurt and pain between her daughter and granddaughter.  Ms. Yenque believably portrays this dichotomy. 

Set designer Gaya Maria Chatterjee has created a warm and safe environment for the emotional journey of this story.  The National Queer Theater production of Luciérnagas is playing at the 14th Street Y (14th Street between 1st and 2nd Ave.) through November 30. 

Domenick Danza

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