Saturday, August 3, 2024

From Here

From Here
The Alice Griffin Jewel Box Theatre
The Pershing Square Signature Center
August 2, 2024 

Photo courtesy of The Renaissance Theatre Company

The Renaissance Theatre Company production of From Here is funny, tender, and heartwarming.  The book, music, and lyrics are all by Donald Rupe.  The music is sweeping and moving.  The lyrics reveal the inner thoughts, fears, and emotions of the characters.  The book is a combination of direct address and realistic scenes that weave the characters together to tell a story of friendship, love, and community.  Under the direction of Donald Rupe, this amazing cast each create genuine characters who unite as one glorious ensemble.

The full cast of From Here
Photo courtesy of The Renaissance Theatre Company

The year is 2016, and we are in Orlando, Florida.  Daniel (played by Blake Aburn) is on the phone, leaving a voice mail for his mother.  She has not answered his calls since he came out to her a few months prior.  Daniel and his boyfriend, Michael (played by Jullien Aponte), go to a birthday party for their friend Jordan (played by Michelle Coben).  They meet their circle of friends at the gay bar, and, to Michael’s dismay, Daniel flirts with Ricky (played by Omar Cardona).  The next day, Daniel leaves another voice mail for his mother.  With great excitement, and a derisive jab, he tells her that Michael is planning to propose.  When Michael arrives, quite the opposite occurs.  He breaks up with Daniel.  When Daniel attends Jordan’s cabaret show later in the week, he not only runs into Michael with his new boyfriend, Jacob (played by Devin Skorupski), he also sees his mother (played by Becca Southworth).  Jordan invited her so she and Daniel could talk through their crisis.  Jordan also invited Ricky, and seats him next to Daniel.  Daniel’s life is full of chaos, insecurity, challenge, and disappointment.  He is unaware that he is surrounded by friends who will always have his back.  Then on June 12, 2016, there is a mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub, and everything changes.

Blake Aburn as Daniel
Photo courtesy of The Renaissance Theatre Company

Blake Aburn captures the audience’s attention the moment the lights come up on him at the top of the show.  His portrayal of Daniel is honest and genuine.  His singing voice is soothing and full of depth and emotion.  When he opens the heart of his character, we see his shortcomings, feel his hesitation, and laugh with his sharp wit.  Becca Southworth plays Daniel’s mother with backbone and grit, which is superseded by her love and dedication for her only son.  The transformation in the relationship between these two characters is heartfelt and healing.

Blake Aburn, Michelle Coben, Jullien Aponte, & Devin Skorupski
Photo courtesy of The Renaissance Theatre Company
Michelle Coben delivers the laughs as Jordan.  Jullien Aponte plays Michael with his full heart and soul.  Omar Cardona is solid as Ricky.  He passionate rendition of the song “Todo” introduces the theme of family, which resonates throughout the piece.  Justin Jimenez, Chris Keough, Kendall Leamy, Jerry Millings, Janine Papin, Dee Quintero, Devin Skorupski, and Kyle Ashe Wilkinson work together to create a powerful ensemble, whose presence and strength broadens that theme and embeds it in every aspect of this production.

From Here is playing at The Pershing Square Signature Center though August 11.  It is a poignant piece of musical theatre that illustrates how unity can rise from tragedy.  Don’t miss it! 

Domenick Danza

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