Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Desperate Measures

Desperate Measures
New World Stages
September 10, 2018

Photo courtesy of Desperate Measures
What would it be like if Shakespeare’s morally complex Measure for Measure was transported to the Wild West?  This question is answered in the melodramatic musical, Desperate Measures, now playing at New World Stages.  The bold, bawdy, and highly skilled cast of six takes the book and lyrics of Peter Kellogg and music of David Friedman far over the top, delivering delightfully fun performances.  Director Bill Castellino’s concept is based on concise, rhythmic timing, and topped off with his clever and sharp choreography.

Conor Ryan & Lauren Molina
Photo courtesy of Desperate Measures
Johnny Blood (played by Conor Ryan) is waiting to be hanged for shooting a man who was flirting with his girl, Bella Rose (played by Lauren Molina).  Sheriff Martin Green (played by Peter Saide) believes Johnny’s actions were motivated by self-defense.  He seeks out Johnny’s sister, the virtuous Susanna (played by Sarah Parnicky), to plead for a pardon from the villainous Governor (played by Nick Wyman).  Susanna resides in a religious mission and is preparing to take her final vows to become a nun.  When the Governor meets Susanna, he is infatuated.  He tells Susanna that he will pardon Johnny if she gives him her chastity.  The Sheriff comes up with a plan to fool the Governor and get Johnny pardoned.  Mayhem ensues as both the Governor and the Sheriff fall in love with Susanna.  

Conor Ryan & Peter Saide
Photo courtesy of Desperate Measures
The small ensemble cast fills the theatre with high energy, crisp characterizations, and powerful vocal quality.  The chemistry between Sarah Parnicky and Peter Saide is magnetic, and only surpassed by the comic timing of Lauren Molina and Conor Ryan.  Nick Wyman plays the self-serving, evil Governor to the max, while Gary Marachek is rib-tickling as Father Morse, the drunken, jailed Priest who finds himself tricked into helping with the Sheriff’s plan.

Nick Wyman, Sarah Parnicky, & Peter Saide
Photo courtesy of Desperate Measures
Desperate Measures is pure fun!  After the precise work in Act I of setting up the characters, location, and dilemma, Act II picks up the pace and adds intrigue and hilarity.  Get yourself to New World Stages for a melodramatic, knee-slapping good time.

Domenick Danza

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